
  • 23-24th October
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“A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning.” And this is what inspired Ecell Nsut to create and organize one of their most overwhelming, inspiring, and competitive event - IDEATHON. It is an inter college event held during the technical fest of NSUT - Innovision, which comprises of brainstorming sessions and developing of businesses from scratch to land with an end product and a business strategy to generate revenue from it.

Participating teams develop a market strategy to cater to a wide range of customers. Teams present a business plan covering potential setbacks and devising relevant solutions. Teams are then judged on the progress they have made on their respective projects. Halfway through the competition, a limited number of teams are filtered who shall be required to pitch their ideas to the judges. The top 3 teams win exciting prizes in cash and kind.

Ecell nsut has often been appraised and appreciated for its efficient methodology to conduct the event smooth and fair. The event is widely known for the exposure it brings to the life of a budding entrepreneur and the confidence that comes with it. This not only makes that person more mature towards realizing his goal but also, makes them aware of the situation that they might face in this path in future and how they can tackle it as a team.